For all concerts tickets are £25, under 25s go free, available from Chichester Festival Theatre.

Season ticket for 6 concerts £135

Season ticket for 4 concerts £90

Free tickets must be booked in advance to ensure a seat in the hall

Sponsored by the Cavatina Chamber Music Trust

All tickets, including free tickets, are available from

Chichester Festival Theatre,

Oaklands Park, Chichester, PO19 6AP

01243 781312

and please see our Concerts Pages for further details.

We are no longer streaming our concerts because with more seats there is no room for all the equipment needed for streaming.

However, you can still view three of our concerts on our YouTube channel.

These are free to view but you are invited to make a donation. Please see instructions below to make a donation if you are watching online. Any amount would be appreciated, but please consider at least £10. The quickest way is to go to Now Donate.

Alternatively, you can do a bank transfer as shown below or you can send a cheque, made out to Chichester Chamber Concerts, to our Treasurer: Philip Wake at 43 North Street, Chichester, PO19 1NF

Thank you.

Bank Transfer details:

Chichester Chamber Concerts

Sort Code: 40-05-40 Account No: 00014761

Tickets - Under 25's are free

Where we hold our Concerts:

Assembly Room, North Street, Chichester

Chichester Chamber Concerts is proud to be sponsored by Raymond James, Chichester

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